So for the past couple of months I have been working on my Final major project. For this I am creating a short stop motion animation based on an Inuit creation story called Sedna.
It is basically about how the sea animals were created and Sedna a young girl became the sea goddess.
I have been working on designs for Sedna and I am going to share some of my images with you :)
First of all I need to create a turn around drawing of my character, so I can see what she will look like from all angles:
Now that I can see how my model will look its time to create a scale drawing and begin piecing together the armature ( which it kind of like the skeleton ) for my model.
So now I have a complete armature its time to give Sedna a bit of padding to create her shape, I have used a car sponge to create shape on my armature :)
For Sedna's dress I used a soft fur fabric for main part with embellishment of white ribbon and black thread detail.
Next I need to create sleeves for her dress and add fur to the cuffs. To do this I will turn the dress inside out and the stitch the sleeve pieces onto the main section.
There we have it I have it the finished dress. As you can see from the final picture I have also created a pair of red trousers as well as 2 tiny fur boots with black detailing :)
The only thing left to do on her out fit is to create a hood and add extra detailing to the dress and to cover the wire armature in the hands I am going to create mittens.
I really like her so far and I am super proud of how she is turning out.
The next stage to Sedna will be to create the head and replacement faces. I am using these to change the emotion of my character throughout the animation.
So onto the head first of all I made the base shape out of tin foil making sure the proportion is correct to my design and that it wont be too heavy for my armature.
After trying out plastacine on top of the tin foil I found it was too heavy for my armature so I have made the head out of a thin layer of Sculpey. This is an oven bake clay that sets hard.
Now that I have the basic head I can start to create the different faces. I am going to create a happy face, sad face, angry face and normal face.
To create them I just put a thin layer of tin foil over the base face the push on more sculpt adding emotion to the face as I go.
Once moulded remove from base face and bake in oven till hard.
The faces are all baked now and have turned out really well.
Next I need to paint them all the skin colour of Sedna which is a pale yellow/peach.
I am going to add accents of pink on the cheeks to as well as the mouths.
Finally there painted all thats left is to paint the eyes. I was originally going to use beads for the eyes but after researching into it I realised it will be easier to have fixed eyes and add the blinks on in post production.
Here are the finished faces for Sedna.
All that is left now is to make the hair and then Sedna will really come to life :)
For the hair I going to use black wool stuck on base head with pva. Once it has dried I will then plait her hair and I'm finished.
So her it is Sedna with hair wahoo Im so glad its finally coming together she is really getting a personality now.
I hope you have enjoyed seeing how I have created my main character and please look out for updates on how my project is going :)
Do you like my character design?
Tarra x