The book I eventually found was from WHSmiths and was £16.99. Its covers are made of brown cardboard with neon green writing and string.
I thought the was nice as its pain but with a hint of colour to make it a little different.
The pages inside are all black paper which is nice as the contrast with the pictures will make the images stand out more.
The book is about 25cm square which I think is a nice size and shape to put 6"x4" photographs in.
On the first page I decided to write a little message so he can remember that its from me :) I also pulled one of the back pages out to create the spare photos pocket. When I had finished all the pages I wanted to do I had lots of spare photos and I didn't want to just throw them away so this was a good way to keep them.
Next I needed to decide which moment and memories I wanted to document in the scrapbook, this was hard as there were so many amazing times to choose from but in the end I decided and began printing out all the relevant pictures. I used one of the machines at Jessops to print out the images it was a lot more expensive than I had first though at 40p per photograph. If I was to do this again I would take advantage of one of the online services such as Snapfish or Photobox who offer 50 free prints when you sign up. The first pages I decided would be images of us together as well as some of Liam and Max.
After the page I decided to do a page based around our first holiday where we went to Rhodes, I have a full post on this trip linked here. I had never been on holiday with a boyfriend before so it was really special to me. As you can see I am just using a gold sharpie to do all the writing an decoration on the page I think it really stands out against the black paper. I have also included some little illustrations of inside jokes and moments we found funny.
The next pages I did were Christmas 2014 and New Year 2015. This was mine and Phil's first christmas and I went back to my dads house so didn't get to spend it with Phil and the kids like I have this year. The only pictures I had from that time are putting the tree up.
Now onto May the next page is of my trip away Phil bought me for my birthday. We went to Slaley Hall over night it was lovely and super relaxing. The other images are from a trip we took with the kids to Adventure Valley it was really fun. I really like the images of the boys on this page.
Next up is Max's 2nd birthday. When I was little my Mam documented all my birthdays growing up, I thought it would be nice to do the same for Liam and Max as they grow older. We had a lovely day celebrating his birthday and I spent most of the day before making the Pingu birthday cake!
For our friend Janette's birthday we went on a Hippie themed pub crawl. It was so much fun and was a great way to celebrate her birthday. I wanted to put the group photos on the page as well as some of my other favourites from the day.
The next events I wanted to create pages for were my cousins wedding and Liams's Birthday. My cousins wedding was the first time Phil had met a lot of my family on my dad's side. I love the contrast of black and white and colour on this page. Liam's birthday was a lovely day and I really love the images of Liam with his football Phil had bought him.
Second to last of the pages I had made for Phil is our trip to Rome in October. This was a trip I had bought Phil for his birthday as I knew he had always wanted to go. I have done a full blog post on this trip here. This was also the first time I had stuck some items into the scrapbook including our ticket for Colosseum and St Peters Basilica.
The last page I had created for Phil was the kids putting up the tree this year. It was really nice, we had the fire on and christmas music in the background. Max was a lot more involved this year trying his hardest to put the decorations on the tree.
So there you go! In the scrapbook there are still many pages to fill with memories and I think it will be nice for me and Phil to do together the longer we are a couple. I really enjoyed making this scrapbook and I hope that Phil liked it as much as I like making it. Here is a picture of him opening it:

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