Wednesday 2 January 2013

Happy New Year!!

Goodbye 2012... Hello 2013 :)

2012 was a great year and I feel I have achieved lots of the things I wanted to. I passed my second year of university, held a stingray, travelled the world a little bit and re connected with some lost friends. 
There's so much in 2013 I want to achieve.... Finish my degree.. go to New York with Tanya.. and as I will be leaving University get my own flat/house and car. On the job front I really want to move onto something in the travel industry especially a Cabin crew member ( I have applied for a job as one recently) 
Time for new resolutions, I always struggle to keep to the resolutions I choose so this year I have decided on 3 which I think I can achieve.
Keep up to blog.
I have only been writing my blog since november but I'm really enjoying it. It feels like a place I can use as an extension of me and my personality. Hope fully in 2013 I will start doing more make up tutorials, I also got a new camera for xmas and if I can get confident enough I'm wanting to start a youtube channel. Time will tell one that one.

Final Project at university.
As I'm in my final year at university its getting close to the time that the only project I will have to work on is my FMP. ( Final Major Project) I often struggle with getting myself motivated and get distracted so easily. I really want to do well in my degree and so I gonna try my hardest through the last couple of months.

The Gym.
This is such a generic resolution but this year I really want to get back into the routine of going to the gym a few of times a week. Recently I applied for a job in which I would need to take a full medical. As I am at the moment I'm not at my fittest and so I need to do some more exercise! I think I will be able to stick to this now that getting a job might depend on it.

    What are you resolutions?? 
Tarra x

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